13 Mayıs 2012 Pazar

Washington D.C. Weather Forecast - Weather News Updates - Washington D.C. The Nations Capital's Breaking News Online !!

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 Washington D.C. Weather Forecast - Weather News Updates - Washington D.C. The Nations Capital's Breaking News Online !!.
73°F | °C Mon Tue Wed Thu
Partly Cloudy Sunny Isolated Thunderstorms Shower
Partly Cloudy
Wind: S at 3 mph
Humidity: 76% 82° 67° 86° 68° 89° 68° 75° 56°
  .High on Monday was 82 Degrees Fahrenheit with a Low Of 67 Degrees .Wind South at 3 to 5 MPHHigh Humidity 76 %     .Rain and Thunderstorms  on Wednesday and more chance of rain on Thursday with temperatures falling to a low of 56 degrees over night.For more Washington, District Of Columbia Weather, please check your weather channel or accu-weather   late breaking  weather forecast news of the Nations Capital. ______________________________________________Latest Breaking News !! - Rock Guitar Player GW Williams Rocks The Nations Capital -Listen To Rock Guitarist GW Williams and The " California Rock N Blues Classic " hear the music that's sweeping the nation...and Washington D,C.Click Here to Listen To World Ranked Rock Guitar Player - GW Williams

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