2 Mayıs 2012 Çarşamba


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We had a Family meeting today. After cleaning and organizing and rearranging my son's room, we all sat and talked about living more simply. What that looks like and what we can all let go of. I was pretty impressed with them both. They both agreed that we already live a pretty simple lifestyle and yet they still went through their things and donated items that they felt they no longer had a use for.  Small steps. Maybe a monthly clean out? I have found that those that live this lifestyle the easiest seem to constantly weed.  They bring in new books, toys, games, etc but also pass along those that have no use in their home any longer. They do this in all manners, from brutal to gentle.  I am going to allow my children to have their own process here (a new thing for me) and watch with delight as they take hold of this this lifestyle for themselves.

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