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Fresno,CA Weather Forecast Conditions - Fresno California High-Low Temperatures,Local-National Weather Service Information,Radar Maps,Doppler,Satellite Weather Maps,Humidity and Precipitation,record highs and record lows. Fresno,Ca Storm Warning System Alerts.Fresno,CA 10 day weather forecast information.
. .Forecast | 5AM | 12 Noon | 5PM | 12 Midnight |
Temp. | Dew Point | 53 | 49 | 62 | 46 | 66 | 42 | 55 | 45 |
Wind | 5 mph W | 1 mph WS | 8 mph NW | 12 mph NW |
Humidity | 85% | 55% | 42% | 71% |
Chance of Precip. | 0% | 10% | 10% | 0% |
Cloud Cover | 66% | 60% | 48% | 41% |
Conditions | Partly Cloudy | | | |
Todays Fresno Weather Forecast Conditions | |
Fresno,CA,Weather - Fresno County- Joaquin Valley Regional Weather Forecast - Local Central Valley Digital Database Detailed Forecast. Day time highs 70 to 75 , Northwest winds 15 to 20 mph,Slight chance of rain.Sunrise 6:10 - Sunset 7:48
April 24 2011Daily Weather HistoryNormal 75 degrees Fahrenheit - Low 50 Degrees FahrenheitRecord High 101 degrees Fahrenheit - 1910 Record Low 36 Degrees Fahrenheit 1958
Earthquake Activity in Hawthorne,NV 3.5
Air Quality Pollutant Index- Today's Air Quality - Good - ozone PM 2.5Yesterdays air - goodSunday air - goodMonday air - goodTuesday - goodWednesday air quality goodThrusday - GoodCalifornia State High - Needles 87 degrees FCalifornia State Low - Bishop 32 F
Current City Temperatures Fresno CA 66 Degrees F Scattered Clouds 8:00 - NNW wind at 5 mph -Humidity 58%Visalia CA 60 Degrees F Clear 7:58 North winds at 0 mph- Humidity 58%Hanford CA 64 Degrees F Clear 8:01 NW winds at 9 mph-Humidity 58%Madera CA 60 Degrees F Clear 8:05 NW winds at 5 mph-Humidity 65%Clovis CA 65 Degrees F - Scattered Clouds NNE winds at 3 Mph-Humidity 58%Fresno Metro - 66 Degrees Fahrenheit Cloudy, NNW winds at 7 mph-Humidity 58%Sanger CA - 63 degrees Fahrenheit,Scattered Clouds,Winds WNW at 2 Mph-Humidity 58%Kerman CA - 62 Degrees F, Low 50 - winds WNW at 2 Mph-Humidity 58%Tivy Valley, CA 62 Degrees Fahrenheit - lows 48 Humidity 58%Madera West - 62 Degrees Fahrenheit - lows 48 Degrees FahrenhietO Neals,Ca - 65 Degrees F- Lows 42 F - Humidity 48%Clovis East - 63 Degrees F Lows 50 Degrees F - humidity 62% winds East at 2 mph________________________________.
Search Results
Weather for Fresno, CA |
64°F | °C | Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | | | | | Current: Partly Cloudy | Wind: NW at 14 mph | Humidity: 48% | 72°F | 51°F | 72°F | 48°F | 72°F | 52°F | 80°F | 56°F |
Detailed forecast: | The Weather Channel | - | Weather Underground | - | AccuWeather |
Fresno,CA Weather Forecast Conditions - Fresno California High-Low Temperatures,Local-National Weather Service Information,Radar Maps,Doppler,Satellite Weather Maps,Humidity and Precipitation. Record rainfall for 2011,Fresno 93710 weather,Current Fresno 93711 weather conditions. Up today Fresno 10 day weather forecast 93727.
LATEST BREAKING NEWS : Rock Guitarist GW Williams & The California Rock N Blues Classic .Fresno California Weather Forecast Online
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