13 Şubat 2013 Çarşamba

KUOW Hike of the Week- Rattlesnake Mt

To contact us Click HERE
Updated 2-5-2013

No snowshoes are needed to go to Grand Prospect about (4. miles) and offers great views. There is some hardpacked snow for part of this hike 1.5 miles but good boots work great and maybe yak trak to use on the way down.

View from Grand Prospect towards Cascades

Check out Green Trails Maps for directions. 205 S is the map for this hike. Click here for complete list of maps. 

View about 1 mile in of fog over the Valley and into the Cascades
At about 2000' hardpack snow no snowshoes needed
Lunch of course
Dogs also need lunch from Mark
Yak trak might be handy coming down

Driving Directions::Take I-90 east to Exit 27 then go right and follow the road to the end. Need Discover Pass. This is the Snoqualmie Point trailhead
Trail Statistics: Roundtrip  8 miles (Our GPS said 8 , guidebook 9.8), Elevation Gain 2000 ft High Point 3000 ft to Grand Prospect, if you go beyond you will need snowshoes to go to top , that is another .6 miles

Bring map and compass and GPS

Check out meeting this Thursday (2-7) at REI at 7 PM “Winter Ecology at the Pass Click here for information on the meeting . 

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